So I’m new to ue4 and blueprints (I used to know a great deal of c++ but haven’t used it in forever so I forgot a good majority of it) and I’m working with some friends to create a 2d sidescroller. Maybe I should relearn c++ but would like to keep this game strictly blueprints if possible.
To my question, in what way would I go about scripting a lifesteal system. On hit would fill a bar up and kill would fill it up even further.
Well, while this does seem like an interesting way to go about things, I’m not entirely sure this is a solution. I’m basically trying to create a bar/gauge that on attack would fill up the gauge say by 5. While a kill would fill it up by say 10. At a max of 200. Once that gauge is full I’d use it, which would deplete the gauge by an amount, and then be able to use an ability.
The part that is confusing me really is how to set up on-hit effects.
So your question is not about filling up a progress bar then?
There are many ways to set up on hit events. You can detect hits by tracing, collision, overlaps, mouse clicks… Actors have their own built-in system, too:
Yeah. My question more pertains to setting up on-hit effects such as in say league of legends. Some champions have lifesteal effects. Or extra magic damage. Just wanted to know how to go about setting up on hit effects or events. Just getting off work so I’ll try messing around with the any damage node to see if I can reference it to my gauge and build it up whenever the player hits or kills an enemy. Should be easy now that I have some more info.
Probably a basic question but I appreciate the answers man should help me at least lol
Some champions have lifesteal effects.
Or extra magic damage.
Now we’re getting somewhere! May I suggest you look into blueprintable components then? Think about them as modular pieces of functionality you can attach to any entity in the world. They will dictate how the world interacts with them.
This will allow you to create ability components with unique properties. You can then grant them to the champions that seem worthy. Here’s a neat introduction: