How can I create a journal where I can add some text when the player pickup some info?

Hi guys :slight_smile:

I’m actually making an exploration game. I’m want to create a system when the player press “P” for example he can access to a Notebook (where he can find some info). The player will be able to use some widget button to switch between pages and when he will hit some collision box, I want that a text appears in the notebook.

For example the player will enter a new room, trigger a collider and then it will add some info/text in the notebook and when I will press “P” he will see the new text. I already tried some tutorial but that’s not what I want or it do not work properly.

I’m new to UE so please be kind and help me ! I would really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Sorry for my English ^_^’ hope it will not bother you !


I want something like this one (LA Noire Rockstar Games):


Create a variable, for example a text array, and add values to it when you enter the trigger. Then you can display those values.

Or better yet, if you’d like to emulate your image… Make a structure with variables; text, bIsGreyedOut, bIsComplete. Create an array of the struct, and use that to populate your journal.

Hi, thank you for your answer !!!

I already tried to add some values with some trigger and variable but the result was not really good…

I never used a structure so I don’t really understand what you want me to do with it ^_^’

Hi I still need some help thank you in advance !