How can I create a global variable which value gets saved between blueprints?

Hello everyone. So I’m new at UE4 and I’m developing a game for a class I have on college. I’ve been learning UE4 by myself and here is the problem I’m having.

The main mechanic that I want to implement is that a room only spawns when you open the door of the room you are in. The room choosen is based on a algorithm that I decided to do, basically each room has a base chance to spawn, if it doesn’t spawn it’s chance is increased, if it spawns the chance is set to 1%.

My problem is that I think the only way to do this is to have global Array/Dictionary that stores every room, the orientation of the entry door and the chance for that room to spawn.

I tried to create a blueprint with a public variable that increases it and prints it’s value. This blueprint is then casted on a cube when collided with, but the value always stays the same. Is there any way to do what I want?

Welcome to the forums, Turiam!

Not sure I completely understand, but did you try to save the Dictionary/Array in a custom GameMode? Maybe you arent accessing the correct instance of the blueprint if the value doesn’t change