Hi all, complete UE noob here working on my first project.
Context: I am trying to develop an interactive map for a top-down tabletop RPG. Idea is to have a dungeon map populated with the players’ minis as well as enemies. I’ll be able to select different characters and move them around the map so I can use it to run campaigns as DM:
I’m building functionality for zooming and rotating the camera for the different characters, and here is my problem. I currently have a single player controller that possesses my different characters. I want to build the functionality for zooming/rotating the camera into the controller instead of putting this into the individual character blueprints to avoid having to recreate this functionality for each player character and enemy.
In my mind the correct way to do this is to create a general Player class which contains the elements that will be used by any character, regardless of character mesh i.e. a spring arm with camera. To create individual characters, I then want to create an instance of this general Player class with a specific character mesh.
In other words, I would have several instances of a general pawn with spring arm and camera,and each of these instances has its own unique character mesh. Unfortunately I don’t know how I would go about doing this in UE5 blueprints. If anyone could show me how this could be implemented I would be very grateful!
Here are the blueprints in my player controller:
And here are the blueprints for my player characters; each of these is duplicated in each individual player character I have: