How can I create a datatable Uasset with Python ?

Hi, I need to create a datatable through a python script that is to be launched at the project startup. However the DataTableFactory object I’m using doesn’t want to create the datatable I’m asking. I’ve checked everything, the structure S_CarStructure is correctly loaded into dt_factory.struct, but the script_factory_create_file is returning False and I’m oblivious to why.

ait = unreal.AssetImportTask()
ait.filename = "J:/dt_creation/dest.csv"
ait.destination_path = '/Game'
ait.automated = True = True
dt_factory = unreal.DataTableFactory()
dt_factory.struct = unreal.load_asset("/Game/S_CarStructure")

I’ve been trying to search online for answers for ages but still haven’t found a solution. Any help would be much appreciated !
