How can I convert touch location to absolute coordinate?

I’ve tried like below.

and got this result.

absolute size: X=2079.936 Y=1266.158

local size: X=1774.353 Y=1080.134

absolute coord: X=441.000 Y=204.100 - X=2520.936 Y=1470.258

GetMousePositionOnPlatform: X=2519.000 Y=1469.000

Touch Location(local): X=1385.333 Y=843.267 Z=1.000

Touch location(abs) by GetViewportWidgetGeometry: X=2064.918 Y=1192.596

It seems touch location is local coordinate of SVerticalBox Geometry. (when play in editor)

How can I get SVerticalBox geometry?

It’s not the same with return value of GetViewportWidgetGeometry.


this post resolve all my problems, just use “get viewport scale”