It is as if the AI Move To is filling an array of locations it has to reach before going to the next one.
On the “Move To Actor or Location” node if you feed it Actor as the goal, it will continuously update where the ai should move, this is pretty much what I want for location.
Because it is a scene component in the Actor’s blueprint which I want it to move to.
I tried setting “TimeLimit” on the Move To task in Behavior Tree but that just makes them stop for a split second making it look bad
I have been googling and testing for over a week now
Please do tell me if you don’t understand what I mean.
Would it be an easy problem to fix if I knew c++? I imagine I could just in to the source code and change it so the function for move to Location works the same as move to Actor
Calling StartFollow for the AI start, and StopFollow to stop it.
PS: also note, that since you’re feeding the location, updating its value and since apparently you are not using the output pins, the “Move to Location” node may be more suitable.