How can I Constraint 2 floaters to 1 cockpit with individual buoyancy for each so that when there is a collision, it separate from each other?

I just made an exemple in a 3d software, but I would like to create a blueprint that simulate this. I did a lot of research to find a similar solution but I’m on my last resort to try on the forum. Thanks in advance if you have an hint for me :slight_smile:

There is no controller, the boat is not drivable, it is only flowing down the river with simulation randomly.

  1. Create a new blueprint actor.
  2. Add to new blueprint actor cockpit and both floaters as a separate StaticMesh components.
  3. Set the SymulatePhysics flag in the static meshes and set the mass of cockpit and floaters.
  4. Realize the forces that will ensure the buoyancy of the cockpit and floats. On how to implement this, there are video tutorials on YouTube on the request “Unreal Engine buoyancy”
  5. Use the PhysicsConstraint components to attach the floats to the cockpit.
  6. Set linear and angular parameters in PhysicsConstraint components. You will need to experiment with the settings of these parameters by selecting them manually. You can also watch video tutorials or articles on the search query “Unreal Engine physics constraint” to understand the settings of physics constraints.
  7. Use the LinearBreakable and/or AngularBreakable properties of the pysics constraint so that when the limit of the force acting on the float is exceeded, it breaks away from the cockpit.