Hi,I’m working on a 2d game and I want the time to slow and stops when a key is pressed. This 2 scripts are working fine but they need to be connected with the event tick. As you all know, on blueprint of ue4 an event only can be conected with 1 widget. Event tick has also the animation system so it needs to be connected too. But the branches can’t be connected at the same time, what I want to do is to have the 2 branches working so the 2 scripts can be used at the same time. I post you some images to understand it better:
So thats the all script:
This is the event tick (with animation staff):
That’s the 1st branch that needs to be connected (no working):
That’s the 1st branch connected (working):
That’s the 2nd branch that needs to be connected (no working):
That’s the 2nd branch connected (working):
What I want to do is to have the 2 branches working so the 2 scripts can work fine at the same time.