how can i connect ndisplay in switchboard???

LogSwitchboard: Display: Started FlipMode monitor 12376: …/…/…/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/PresentMon/Win64/PresentMon64-1.5.2.exe -session_name session_55020 -output_stdout -dont_restart_as_admin -terminate_on_proc_exit -stop_existing_session -process_id 55020
LogSwitchboard: Display: Process exited with returncode: 6
LogSwitchboard: Display: Output:
warning: PresentMon requires elevated privilege in order to query processes
started on another account, so these processes won’t be targetted by name
and will be listed as ‘’. Further, there may be tracking errors
near process termination, and if they are targetted
-terminate_on_proc_exit won’t work.
error: failed to start session (error=5).