How can I communicate a change in one level to another level to modify what is rendered

Hi all.

I am developing a virtual museum that lets you interact with models in a gallery which opens a new map for you to interact with the model, so like: Main Map → Model Map.

My concern is that I have several models that can be accessed from the main map, and I want to be able to tell the next level which model to render based on what hotspot was interacted with.

Could I communicate this via character blueprint that when a hotspot is interacted with, it sets a variable in the player blueprint, which is then somehow communicated into the new map?

kind regards.


You can use GameInstance class. HTF do I? Use the GameInstance Object in Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube here’s good tutorial to get u started

I will give it a look, and mark as answer if it’s what i’m looking for

Watching the video, seems to be what i’m looking for, thanks.