how can I combine the water?

Hey use_code_pommy,

This is the edge of the waterzone and ocean extents.

The water your on in the pic is the playable area water, with waves and fx.

The water in the distance is the distance visuals water, flat with a wave material and no waves.
It is lower down because it sits below the wave troughs of the playable area water.

What you want to do is increase the size of the ocean’s ocean extents and the waterzones zones extents, keep them the same values.

go to the furthest place out to sea a player can go at roughly the hieght of the players head, at the highest elevation a player could see from, then increase the size of the X & Y ocean/zone extents until the edge blends into the distance.
Use blocking volumes or barriers to limit players so they can’t get close enough to see the edge

So if they are at 160000, 160000 for example, add 80000 and check if that is enough.
If it is then also change the X & Y of the ocean’s collision extents, but use half the value.

So for example
Ocean - Ocean Extents 240000, 240000
Ocean - Collision Extents 120000, 120000 (Can make it smaller so long as it covers your playable area)
Waterzone - Zone Extents 240000, 240000

I have tried multiple times, I am trying to fix this for 3 hours and still don t know how to do it. If you can show me a clip how can I do it, it will be wonderful,if not, I think I will give up on this.

change these 4 values in your ocean settings

and these 2 values in your waterzones settings

Does play mode update the ocean setting changes OK ?
If the water line is staying in the same place after changing the settings, maybe it needs a session relaunch, or if your using World Streaming, a HLOD rebuild.

yes, I have done this and the ocean is more extended, but I don t know how to make a barrier limit for players to not see that the water ends somewhere

You can use either Blocking Volumes or Barriers

The Barriers have a size limit so you need more pieces to surround your island, use them if you want a barrier texture though.

Instead of just a 4 sides box around your island, you can do a polygon.

switch your coordinate system to local and set the grid snap scale large like 4096
Drop in a blocking volume, put it at 0, 0, 0 with a rotation 0, 0, 0 and set its sizes to something like 81920,1024,10240
Should be a big rectangle panel
Copy it
Drag it out in the direction of the green arrow until your good
Paste the rest, change thier Z rotations then drag them out to sea
use increments of 45 for an octogon or 30 for a dodecagon