How can I collapse inidividual item without touching other items? IE, I do not want to change "collapse by", I only want to be able to be more specific to specific surfaces.

For now I got a sketchup imported to Revit (not ideal but the only model we have) and they are all grouped in one single group. I cannot explode them either as they then break within Revit.

Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community and unfortunately I don't think there is a way to edit individual elements if they were brought in by Collpase by Material. I am not sure why you don't want to change the Collapse method and was hoping you could elaborate more on the issue.

Typically you would want to use Keep Hierarchy to edit each element separately, and create a substitution table to convert materials faster. Here is the article on the substitution table:

Looking forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

The reason why is that, in revit where we are working with huge models potentially with engineers etc then we want to have a light model for performance reasons and thus we want to avoid adding to many materials etc. So if we for example prepare a kitchen cupboard then we will draw it up using the default materials which means that the worktop, the cupboards, the handles and the fronts will all be of default white/grey material because if we start to import materials to all items it becomes quite messy. However, for twinmotion we may want to choose 1% of the whole building to create a more realistic render and start to drag in materials etc. The issue now becomes that if I drag a marble material to the worktop then also the handles becomes marble. And it would be great in order to be able to "explode" or "collapse" the handle to become an individual unit so I can apply a specific metal material to it. Also, at times it would also be nice if I could occassionally move/resize individual items in the group too should I find that I want to make a quick little fix. At least intuitively it seems like an easy simple change that I believe a lot of architects as we are used to work with blocks and explode in different CAD-software.