How can I check if actor was spawned by another actor or by level?

I’m new to UE4 so sorry if this is a noob question:
I made an actor to act as an item (a coin). Some coins are placed in the level, and some coins are spawned when an enemy is killed. I want the coins that are spawned by killing enemies to be destroyed after a few seconds if the player doesn’t get them. I went in the coin BP and added a 4 second delay on event begin play and after the delay a ‘destroy actor’ node. The problem is, now all the coins in the level are destroyed after 4 seconds. I want only the coins that are spawned by killing enemies to be destroyed after 4 seconds, so my thinking is I need to check wheather the coin was spawned by the level or by an enemy being killed.
Is there a node that checks that? Somethink like “was spawned by another actor”? Or is there a different, better approach for this?

you could do it like this:
Create a boolean variable and set it to expose on spawn

Then set up your begin play like I show below

Then when you spawn your coin, check the box for the boolean you created

Thank you, that’s exactly what I needed!