How can i check at which array my game crashed?

I really tried hard to find that array and it doesn’t make sense what so ever. Is there a possibility to find out the name or blueprint of the array that forces me to crash? Thanks!
I’m getting this crash:
Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 611] Array index out of bounds: 1 from an array of size 1

From the CrashContext.runtime-xml

UE4Editor-Core 0x0000000089a70000 + 4646e7 UE4Editor-Core 0x0000000089a70000 + 277d1a UE4Editor-Core 0x0000000089a70000 + 1ffe33 UE4Editor-Core 0x0000000089a70000 + 2004d0 UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 1f6888 UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + bc7c9 UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112e62 UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 75bf6 UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 4d459 UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 763bd UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 4e2a2 UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 9a859 UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 99a4d UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 7a6a UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 1554c UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 155ca UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 2316c UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 25b8e KERNEL32 0x00000000d0450000 + 16fd4 ntdll 0x00000000d08b0000 + 4cec1
		<SourceContext>  538       	}
  539       #endif
  540       #endif	// WINVER
  541       }
  543       FORCENOINLINE void ReportAssert(const TCHAR* ErrorMessage, int NumStackFramesToIgnore)
  544       {
  545       	/** This is the last place to gather memory stats before exception. */
  546       	FGenericCrashContext::CrashMemoryStats = FPlatformMemory::GetStats();
  548       	FAssertInfo Info(ErrorMessage, NumStackFramesToIgnore + 2); // +2 for this function and RaiseException()
  550       	ULONG_PTR Arguments[] = { (ULONG_PTR)&amp;Info };
  551       	::RaiseException( AssertExceptionCode, 0, ARRAY_COUNT(Arguments), Arguments );
  552 ***** }
  554       FORCENOINLINE void ReportGPUCrash(const TCHAR* ErrorMessage, int NumStackFramesToIgnore)
  555       {
  556       	/** This is the last place to gather memory stats before exception. */
  557       	FGenericCrashContext::CrashMemoryStats = FPlatformMemory::GetStats();
  559       	FAssertInfo Info(ErrorMessage, NumStackFramesToIgnore + 2); // +2 for this function and RaiseException()
  561       	ULONG_PTR Arguments[] = { (ULONG_PTR)&amp;Info };
  562       	::RaiseException( GPUCrashExceptionCode, 0, ARRAY_COUNT(Arguments), Arguments );
  563       }
  565       void ReportHang(const TCHAR* ErrorMessage, const uint64* StackFrames, int32 NumStackFrames, uint32 HungThreadId)
  566       {
  567       	if (ReportCrashCallCount &gt; 0 || FDebug::HasAsserted())</SourceContext>
		<UserDescription />
		<UserActivityHint>Layout=&quot;Document : 7&quot; Label=&quot;Event Graph&quot; Content=SGraphEditor</UserActivityHint>
		<ErrorMessage>Assertion failed: (Index &gt;= 0) &amp; (Index &lt; ArrayNum) [File:D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 611] Array index out of bounds: 1 from an array of size 1</ErrorMessage>
		<CrashReporterMessage />
		<Misc.CPUBrand>AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad-Core Processor</Misc.CPUBrand>
		<Misc.PrimaryGPUBrand>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB</Misc.PrimaryGPUBrand>
		<Misc.OSVersionMajor>Windows 10 (Release 2004)</Misc.OSVersionMajor>
		<Misc.OSVersionMinor />
				<CallStack>ntdll 0x00000000d08b0000 + 9be44 KERNELBASE 0x00000000ce300000 + 226ee UE4Editor-Core 0x0000000089a70000 + 461fba UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 27c1f VCRUNTIME140 0x00000000b80d0000 + b8f0 ntdll 0x00000000d08b0000 + a111f ntdll 0x00000000d08b0000 + 4b474 ntdll 0x00000000d08b0000 + 4b1c5 KERNELBASE 0x00000000ce300000 + 23e49 UE4Editor-Core 0x0000000089a70000 + 461f37 UE4Editor-Core 0x0000000089a70000 + 4646e7 UE4Editor-Core 0x0000000089a70000 + 277d1a UE4Editor-Core 0x0000000089a70000 + 1ffe33 UE4Editor-Core 0x0000000089a70000 + 2004d0 UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 1f6888 UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + bc7c9 UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112e62 UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-SlateCore 0x000000009b5a0000 + 112efd UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 75bf6 UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 4d459 UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 763bd UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 4e2a2 UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 9a859 UE4Editor-Slate 0x000000008c790000 + 99a4d UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 7a6a UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 1554c UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 155ca UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 2316c UE4Editor 0x00000000887c0000 + 25b8e KERNEL32 0x00000000d0450000 + 16fd4 ntdll 0x00000000d08b0000 + 4cec1</CallStack>