I have done a project at university but version has to be 4.4. Is there a way for me to downgrade it?
Ask me for more info :D,
- Assuming Windows platform, open a file explorer window
- Locate your [projectname].uproject file
- Right-click it
- Click “Switch Unreal Engine version…” from dropdown
- Select desired version from dropdown in pop-up thingy
- Click OK
Ive done that and it works. But my map file still wont load because i think it is still 4.5
Hm, that’s unfortunate. Some EPIC support tech hopefully knows how to handle that, if it’s possible.
I hope so thanks
How do i talk to them?
They will show up here eventually, although I suspect most of them are fast asleep at moment.
Okay thanks. I will keep an eye on forum then
Hi ,
As mentioned, you can change Engine association for a project by right-clicking on .uproject file. However, that is primarily intended to be used when upgrading a project to a newer version of Engine. Going backwards to a previous version of Engine may work, but it is likely that you will run into issues like .umap issue you are having. Unfortunately we do not have a way to “fix” a .umap file to make it compatible with an older Engine version.
Ah ****. Gonna have to do my game all over again unless uni let me use 4.5
Thanks for help tho guys
You might still be able to save some of your Blueprint work. With a Blueprint open (you’ll need to load a new or default map, first), you can select all nodes and copy/paste it into a text document, and then transfer that over to a new Blueprint in your new 4.4 project. You’ll need to save old variables as new variables, and other adjustments, but if you have some especially complex Blueprints this might save you some work recreating them.
Most assets can be moved over from old project to new project directly using Windows Explorer, so Materials, imported Meshes and their new settings, etc. These are .uassets in Content folder of your project. Save them in same place in new project’s Content folder and they should transfer with few problems, if any.
I will definetly be doing that blueprint method and do as much assets as i can. Thank you