Hi all
So I have a static mesh in a blueprint class and I want to change it’s collision. I want it to be like the box and not something like this!!
I can’t enter collision settings of static mesh from blueprint class
I always edit the static mesh in the collision settings and change it to use complex as simple. If all you need it to do is keep the player from going through it.
Umm try this. On the left click on the mesh under arrow component. Then on the right in the details panel in the static mesh, double click on it it’ll open the editor where you can change that setting
I see what’s going on. You have the collision selected. Delete it. The best practice for collision is to edit the static mesh and set its collision to use complex as simple. Unless you need hit info or something like that.
I’ll post a couple pictures to help you out in a bit I had to step away from my desk.
Sorry, but there is no Static mesh sub menu in details, only Mesh and when I double click on it nothing happens
Here are the pictures
So after you setup your static mesh with this easy collision then you can use it in your blueprint. This mesh will always have this collision each time you bring it into the world. You can add more things for each different blueprint you want to use this mesh in.
I have Imported the fbx file again, unchecked Auto generate collision, entered the mesh editor, set the Collision complexity to Use complex collision as simple and saved, Then I replaced the old static mesh with this new one in blueprint class and again the mesh is without any collision!
See the photos!
[alt text][1]
The corners of the box enter into other meshes. See ue3.jpg to see what I mean. Otherwise everything is ok
I looked at all your pictures. Collision is on. What is it you are trying to do that isn’t working?
Make sure the other meshes have collision too. Same way complex as simple. That’s what it looks like in that last example.