I’m working with a mouse gesturing application which uses right button to begin a gesture.
So, there is a conflict with 3D rotation of RealityCapture.
I looked for the setting in “WORKFLOW > Application > Settings”, but I couldn’t find it.
Hi Horikawa,
It’s under “Navigation Style”, you can try “autodesk” or “leica”, I hope one of them works for you, for both of these options the right button will zoom rather than rotate.
It worked, and I can rotate my model with left-button.
But, I can’t zoom the model for now😭 (I’ve tried both “autodesk” and “leica”.)
I hope, I can
- rotate the model with mouse wheel-drag
- zoom in / out with mouse wheel.
- move view point with shift+wheel-drag
like Blender.
I have added your feedback to a feature request and your input will increase it’s priority.