I’m currently working on a project that aims to have gravity change during game play, which will affect the players and assets in the environment. For a proof of concept I would like to demonstrate the change in gravity by allowing the player to toggle the orientation of gravity with a key press. In theory I can understand how this should work, but sadly I am not a programmer in any sense. I am an artist and level designer. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I’m willing to expand my horizons and learn whatever is necessary to get this working properly.
there is a few potential issues here. first is if you want to create directions for gravity other than up and down that can be a little more complex but can be done. however if your looking to make a planet thats another story entirely. the second issue is that you need to be able to define which actors to affect when changing the gravity, for example you probably dont want to affect the ground or major structures. this can be solved by using tags though which should help (also gravity should only affect things set to moveable). the last issue is that getting the actors, changing the values, and running physics on them all won’t be cheap so you may not get very good performance.
now i dont think there is a way to actually change the world gravity via blueprint but there is probably a was via C++. this link discusses something similar.
There’s also the issue of making a resting state for objects (I might be wrong on this) because you’d want to add velocity to each object every tick, but make sure you’re not adding velocity when the position the gravity moves them hasn’t changed.
Primarily I would like to focus on Up and Down being the only gravity vectors to be affected. And I agree, having only the actors that I want affected to move is very important. A defining feature of the project has to do with pathways, and obstacles changing for the players based on specific objects moving when gravity flips. I also understand that having so much change at once can be very taxing, so It’s my intention to keep the amount of moving objects to a reasonable amount so that it runs smoothly.
Believe me every little bit helps, so thank you for your input.
This is something I have considered as well, though I’m not sure how to circumnavigate it. If i’m able to directly affect gravity somehow I don’t think this should be an issue, however using forces as fake gravity seems like it would cause this problem.
to change gravity for characters you just need to get their movement component and change the gravity scale. for other actors im not really sure how you could change the gravity at runtime. its not really something ive pursued and most answers ive seen say to use C++.