How can i change the command line encoder settings to ffmpeg using python?

Hi guys, how are you doing?

I’m currently working in a project using the python API and now I need to render a sequence by using the movie render queue plugin. I need to export the render sequence to the mp4 format and so I will need to change some things in the Command Line Encoder Settings, reading the python api documentation I managed to do this:
command_line_encoder_settings = unreal.MoviePipelineCommandLineEncoderSettings()
command_line_encoder_settings.executable_path = “C:\ffmpeg-6.1.1-full_build\bin\ffmpeg.exe”
command_line_encoder_settings.audio_codec = “aac”
command_line_encoder_settings.video_codec = “libx264”
command_line_encoder_settings.output_file_extension = “mp4”

The problem is that I run this in the unreal engine terminal and it doesn’t give any errors but the changes made are not made. What am I forgetting and what do I need to do?