How can I change the brightness with a slider?

You only bind when you want to ‘show’ something, we are setting.

Well, that’s all there is to it, here’s the checklist:

  1. PP in the level, unbound

  2. Widget, with a slider in. Make the code for the ‘on value changed’ the same as above.

That’s it. I’m assuming you didn’t change anthing else? For instance the default slider will go from 0 to 1, I did assume that… etc

You will get the same effect if you manually edit the PP. Set the minimum and maximum brightness to .5 and .6 or .8 and .9

I have re-done everything in case I had changed something without noticing but it still doesn’t work, I have also tried this but the light in my level won’t change, nothing will, actually lol

Hmmm… If you can’t get the light in your level to change when you edit the PP manually, then I’m guessing you dont’ have ‘unbound’ checked, even though I know you said you did…

I’m also assuming you have the ‘enabled’ tickbox checked.

Try ‘chromatic abberation’, set the intensity to something whacky like 5, you can’t miss that.

Unbound is checked, enabled are both checked, and I’ve set the slider to change the chromatic abberration to see if it worked, and it does!

Isn’t there a global option for brightness instead of min and max? Because I believe that could be what isn’t working for me, but that wouldn’t explain why it works for you but not for me though



There is a global gamma also in the PP, try massaging that… :slight_smile:

I didn’t use the global gamma because that would mess up the gamma option I have (for the shadows), so I used the highlights one :slight_smile: thanks! Everything works now, sorry it has taken me so long

Ha! :slight_smile: great

I looked at the top pic and what’s that SET thing? also the float add and sub won’t connect to the make post process setting

Any way to make it work backwards?

I’ve already tried that it doesn’t work

I think you can just plug the slider into the PP settings.

Do this

Slider range is -5 to 5


Just show them a mapped number, not the actual number.


This works only problem is, I have a number next to the slider which changes when you drag the slider, but If I set the Min Value = -5 and Max Value= 5, Then the number next to it will be negative when moving down. Also the number would be stuck at 5 I need it to be 100.

Issue is that only the first digit is doing anything the second digit isn’t. So its counting by tens instead of ones.

I looked at the top pic and what’s that SET thing? also the float add and sub won’t connect to the make post process setting

This node is in - click right mouse button in blueprint to search for nodes, and with context sensitive box disabled look for Class->Post Process Volume->Set Settings
To add pins to MakePostProcessSettings node click on it and look at the menu to the left of blueprint window, there you can find all its settings and click As Pin.

I suggest to change brightness by use console command “gamma [value]”
2.2 is default value. Change between 0.5-5.
To use it in blueprint on slider;

Note that there is a space after “gamma”.

This way its works on every levels. But need to be execute each time game start. So make variable that hold this gamma number and save it to Game Save. How to use Game Save you will find in other topics.
In the blueprint of the starter level you use Execute Console Command node with the Loaded From Slot value Saved earlier.

Little warning, this console method change also gamma in the editor, but console works in editor too so press ` on keyboard and type gamma 2.2 to back to normal.

Also make Back Brightness To Default button, on click on it make node Set Value with Target on your Brightness Slider, value 2.2, and node after it Execute Console Command with command gamma 2.2

What’s more, to make the slider remember its position after closing the game;
Create variable that will hold brightness value, set this variable on slider change
Set this variable also on the DefaultBrightnessButton click to 2.2
(this Set Value node you do not need if you bind slider value to variable)

Bind slider value to this variable

Make Apply Options button that will save this variable in the Save Slot (You see this ADD node since I’m using a MAP variable here, you can use a regular variable)

On EventConstruct of this widget get this saved value from Load Game from Slot and save them in widget variable

And finally, create a Cancel button and set its on click like this

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