How can I change my game camera? UE4-27

I have a camera on my third person character blueprint which is my main camera and a separate blueprint actor which is another camera. I created a function to set the blueprint actor camera which works but then I can’t change it back to the main camera.

Here’s the set camera function:

And here’s how I’m trying to switch between them with key inputs:

When I press “O” it succesfully switches the camera I want but then when I press “P” I want it to switch back to the main camera on my character blueprint but it doesn’t. When I try the same thing with two camera that are a part of my character blueprint it works.

What can I add inside my set camera function to disable it when the boolean is unchecked?

I think you have to target blend to get to the remote camera, but then use posses to get back to your character camera.