How Can I Change Input Axis speed with one key?

Hi There!

I’m setting up a moving head light blueprint and i’m having trouble figuring out how to set a fine rotation parameter.

I’ve set two Input Axis events for the rotation movement of the head, and i’d like to change the pace of that movement by using another key (as a toggle key if possible), but still use the same input axis for the movement.
So if i’m using W to rotate in one direction and S for the opposite direction, i want to hit a key like SHIFT, so it slows dow the pace of the rotation but still using W and S for it, and then hit SHIFT again so it goes back to normal pace.

Ive tried with booleans and Branch node but i don’t seem to find the way. I’ve tried with fli flop, but same.

Any ideas on how i can do that?

Thanks in advance!!

You can do it making 3 variables, a BaseSpeed, a RotationSpeed and a Boost .

At Event Begin Play you set the BaseSpeed as RotationSpeed


Create an Input Action for your boost key.

If you then click the boost key you change the RotationSpeed to your liking.
When the key is released set it back to the BaseSpeed.

Here for example I just add the Boost to the BaseSpeed

Your rotate functions then stay the same, just use the RotationSpeed to rotate.

I didn’t even think about adding a boost the variable itself… I’ve set it up with a Flip Flop node to use it as a toggle switch. Works great! Thank you!