How can I change download/install directory for the mega packs that I download from UE marketplace ???

How can I change download/install directory for the mega packs that I download from UE marketplace ???

Like I don’t have much space in the default C drive for downloading large assets I am trying to change the directory from the project create menu for the asset but it doesn’t work it keeps saying there is not much space in the C drive
can anyone help me out ???

1. Change the Default Library Location

Epic Games Launcher uses a default directory for downloading and installing assets. To change this directory, follow these steps:

  1. Open Epic Games Launcher: Launch the Epic Games Launcher on your computer.
  2. Navigate to Settings:
  • Click on your profile icon or the Settings icon (usually a gear icon) in the lower-left corner of the Epic Games Launcher.
  1. Locate the Installation Settings:
  • Scroll down to the Library section in the settings.
  1. Change the Library Location:
  • Under the Library section, you’ll see an option to Change Location or Manage. Click on it to select a new directory where you want to store your downloaded assets and installed games.
  1. Select New Directory:
  • Choose the new directory where you want your assets to be downloaded and installed. The Epic Games Launcher will start using this new directory for future installations.
  1. Apply and Restart:
  • Save the changes and restart the Epic Games Launcher to ensure the new settings take effect.
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I cannot find the Installation Setting option in the settings :sweat_smile:

I only have Preferences/Desktop Notification/Manage games

Launcher > Settings > Edit Vault Cache Location

Thanks man solved my issue :raised_hands::clinking_glasses:

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