How can I change an reference of an SimpleBed ?

Hi guys,

I’m new user of Ark Dev kit, and I’m trying to make a custom simple bed.

I tried to do all that I knew but I don’t know how I change the reference marked with red border on the image bellow.

And this way when I try to put a bed on any structure nothing happens, but if I made 1 vanilla simple bed and use my to put on structure it works but using the vanilla bed. lol

Does any one can help me?


You do not want to replace the references of an existing or vanilla class. You will want to make a new PrimalItemStructure which has your custom structure in the “Structure to build” variable in the defaults tab. Then, in your mod’s primal game data, you need to add your structure to the “Structures to place” array. Also, your structure’s blueprint needs to have your PrimalItemStructure_BP set as the “consume item” class.

It’s worked @dreyn74

Thank u so much. :slight_smile: