How can I Cause Slight Damage to a Moving Player?

So I have a problem. I have a player that moves forward endlessly and I am trying to create cause damage when they hit the wall of the tunnel they are in but the issue I am realizing is the player scrapes against the wall and it kills all of the health instantly and I don’t want to kill of the player right away.

Basically what I want is for the player to be able to hit it like 3 times and then die after that.

I’ve even tried adding armor/shield alongside the player health and even if I crank it all the way up it seems to kill them way too fast.

Any ideas on how I can do something like that? I can’t seem to figure it out after searching around all day for a solution…

Hit event can be triggered very fast, probably on each tick while the 2 bodies are on contact.
You can try to add a “do once” just after the cast. Then it takes damage, and after the delay, reset the do once. Damage should be triggered every 15 sec or whatever value you put for the delay

Awesome, thank you so much! I think this may work well enough. :smiley: