I have referenced my aicontroller blueprint as an object variable in my level blueprint and am trying to call a function within it, but the custom event in the aicontroller is not being activated.
Well the way you set it up you have a variable of your AI controller but not an instance of it.
Imagine you want to get a bucket full of water. You have a piece of paper where the location of the bucket is written so you can pick it up. However in your case the paper is empty and right now you’re holding the paper under the water.
Depending on what you want to use and how many instances of your controller are running around you have a few options.
If it’s only one use “Get All Actor from Class” and set the pawn you used. Then get it’s owner and set the “Random Player Movement Blueprint” with the result of that (you might have to cast that controller to “Random_Player_Movement” (or whatever exactly you called your AI controller.
Thanks for that, I’m still struggling unfortunately. I have four instances of the character using the AI controller.
How would I go about communicating with all four instances simultaneously?
Thanks again, really appreciate your help.