How can I calculate the dimensions of the landscape

I have been testing a project with unreal engine 5, using world partition. I have imported a heightmaps, but I don’t know the dimensions of the terrain. Having the following parameters of the terrain:

Scale in the transform: 2049
Component resolution (verts): 64x64
Component count: 0
Component subsections: 1x1
Resolution (verts): 1x1
Total component count: 4225
Overrall resolution (verts): 4096x4096.

How can I calculate the dimensions of the land? del terreno?

You cannot.

The size of the land is given by the Scale (x/y) of the landscape * the pixel size of the heigjtmap.

100*2560 = 2560m (usually squared).

Changing that x/y scale value will drammatically drop the quality and usability of the landscape (or reduce it to completely unusable if you reduce the number instead of increase it).

Another consideration.
Since you probably are dealing with “only” 4km^2, measures mean absolutely nothing.

Unreal is flat, heightmaps are usually esri flat. The world is not.

The real distance between 2 corners of a 4km*2 map is going to be heavily affected by sphereic calculation errors.

Say you put the colosseum at one corner and the Tevere’s river bend around Tor de quinto to the other, your real world distance is probably around half a km short or more compared to what the heightmaps you can source without a more apt Esri spherical approximation will give you.

In short.
Talking “distance” on anything heightmap related is wrong/incorrect/inaccurate, possibly just silly (particularly on bigger sizes where the calculation error exceeds 20km of distance and the map spans across several different Esri approximations that introduce heavy distortion).

Now, if you are doing anything at all archeological, i suggest steering away entierly off this engine.

Work your stuff in DCCs, perhas Houdini, and figure out how to introduce a more proper speherical approximation into your world’s meshes.

Once you have that, agnostic of any rendering engine, and possibly checked and re-adjusted based on Local Lidar readings, only then should you be looking to put stuff into an engine.

Obviously, by that point you wouldn’t be using the landscape or anything which can compromise your otherwise accurate readings…

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I really still have the doubt, I am not looking to know if those values are correct or not, what I need is to know how to calculate the dimensions.

Are equivalent to 1px per meter, like i said.
Fairly easy to get just off your final heightmap or sum thereof - but its obviously inaccurate to real world data.

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Make a cube from modelling tool. It is 1x1x1 meter by default. Than scale it across the terrain.

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X and Y dimensions (in centimeters) for a landscape are calculated by multiplying the overall landscape resolution by the landscape scale. If the landscape actor is at default scale, which is 100x100x100, and your landscape resolution is 4096x4096, then it’s 409600cm x 409600 cm (or, roughly 4km x 4km).

Assuming a normalized height map (darkest pixel is black, brightest pixel is white), the Z-dimension of the landscape is always 512 meters (going from -256 meters to +256 meters) when the Z scale is 100.

Whether these dimensions actually match the heightmap you imported is a different question, and depends on the resolution of that heightmap (i.e. is one pixel on your heightmap one meter, or two meters, or five, or ten, or whatever. Depending on where you’re getting it and for what part of the world you may not be able to get better than ~30 meter per pixel height map data), and what the altitude range of the heightmap is meant to be.

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