I have a Level Sequence. I start it with an event in the Sequence director that takes a reference of the player actor and blends to the starting position of a camera placed inside the level. All fine here.
When I try to blend back again through the Sequence Director the blend starts from the starting position of the camera, and not the one at the end of the sequence. Keep State is selected. Any ideas?
UPDATE: It doesn’t start returning from the initial camera position. It starts from where the player is located minus a few points in Z height. I am making a video now.
UPDATE 2: I believe the correct way to do it is this way, stretching the camera actor to the end of the timeline. But then what is in the video happens.
UPDATE 3: It is not showing in the video, so here it is. When the camera is supposed to start blend to the player camera for a second, it just starts moving for a fraction of a second and simply snaps back to the start, then when the sequence finishes it just snaps to the player camera.