How can i better optimize my kevel/project?

Thanks, I have a whole entity motif and I figured my mod account should just be a supportive entity! But yes, looking at your specs from the other post this is highly iregular. I run in editor and standalone between 60 - 120 with no drops unless spawning entities with mats that didn’t exist before hand in most of the templates, but your hardware is easily way better than mine.

and for reference I’m working with an i5 4690K (FROM 2013) 1660 32gbs ram, I tend not to upgrade hardware till it dies and most of this thing has been kicking for years and still runs everything modern but you can see my bottleneck.

That’s definitely desktop specs right? With that much ram it’s got to be, but there’s laptop variants of everything these days so I don’t assume anything. You don’t have any problems running higher end games or anything right?