Basically think of it like chameleon camouflage! I want to make an object change its own material based on the material of a nearby landscape object such as a rock, terrain, or a tree. I want this to be a triggered action, that isn’t always enabled, and the “chameleon” object returns to its default materials when the chameleon effect is not active!
So your problem is two tasks:
- read of background material
- apply that material to camouflage mesh
And last time check this was undoable (without complicated and pita system)
Yes you could setup physics material, then read it with linetrace etc, but it 4.xx it was impossible to read material/textures.
However you can do this in different way:
- make player semi transparent
- add some distortion effect
and you will have nice camo effect
new 5.1 outline effect:
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