How can I attach a widget to a mesh and use his variables?

Hi! I have a widget that always points to a specific actor, and I would like it to follow the movement of the mesh. I have tried adding it as a component but I can’t use its variables from the component as these are in the widget, not the character. Is there a way to fix this?

I share some captures of the blueprints. First one image is my OnBeginPlay event of the character. the next two are the nodes I used in the same character blueprint, and the last two are the nodes inside the Widget.


The variables I want to use of my widget.


oh thanks!! Im new to Unreal Engine, I thought that the cast was only for actor blueprints, I did not imagine that it was for widgets as well. Thanks!!

If you use a widget component, it’s already part of the BP, so you don’t have to add it.

Getting to talk to it is a little more of a fiddle, because you have to cast:
