How can I assign a material to all LODs?


I wrote the following function for the constructor of my StaticMesh class to assign a material instance (of the already assigned material) to the model which can be tinted with any color:

void ASomPickup::UpdateMaterials()

	//Get Original Material
	if (Pickup_Material_Origin == NULL && !EnvironmentMesh->GetMaterial(0)->IsA(UMaterialInstanceDynamic::StaticClass()))
		Pickup_Material_Origin = EnvironmentMesh->GetMaterial(0);

	//Get and assign Material Instance
	if (Pickup_Material_Origin != NULL)
		if (Pickup_Material == NULL)
			Pickup_Material = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(Pickup_Material_Origin, this);
			Pickup_Material->SetVectorParameterValue(FName(TEXT("Tint")), ColorTint);


		TArray<UMaterialInterface*> CompMats;

		if (EnvironmentMeshComponent != NULL)
			CompMats = EnvironmentMeshComponent->GetMaterials();

			for (int32 iMats = 0; iMats < CompMats.Num(); iMats++)
				EnvironmentMeshComponent->SetMaterial(iMats, Pickup_Material);


Now the problem is that the tint only seems to have effect on the highest/“nearest” LOD of the model (LOD 0). It seems that the lower LODs don’t have the new instanced material assigned to them.


Any help is appreciated.

It seems this guy had the same question and got it resolved. Check it out. It’s blueprint but you can easily trnsfer the logic to C++

Thanks maparizeau! Your answer pushed me to the right direction.

In line 23 I checked for the Number of elements on the StaticMeshComponent:

CompMats = EnvironmentMeshComponent->GetMaterials();

I logged it, and it did spit out “1”. That obvioiusly couldn’t be right, since I have multiple LODs. Instead I should have checked for the Number of material elements on the Mesh of the StaticMeshComponent:

CompMats = EnvironmentMeshComponent->StaticMesh->Materials;

Now it seems to work perfectly. Thanks again!

my pleasure and happy game deving :wink: