How can I apply Radial Damage?

Hello everyone.
Im trying to make a projectile damage. Seems like ApplyRadialDamage not working for me.
I also tried to do it using blueprints, it make’s same result.
I checked in collision settings to block visibility trace.

Can anyone help?

Thanks for attention.


if (WeaponConfig.ExplosionDamage > 0 && WeaponConfig.ExplosionRadius > 0 && WeaponConfig.DamageType)
		UGameplayStatics::ApplyRadialDamage(this, WeaponConfig.ExplosionDamage, NudgedImpactLocation, WeaponConfig.ExplosionRadius, WeaponConfig.DamageType, TArray<AActor*>(), this, MyController.Get(), true);

I have the same issue.
Did you found any solution?

My solution to this is to iterate amongst all actors of a given class then calculate the distance for each actor that matches your criteria and apply damage here.

float ExplosionRadius = 200.0f;
float ExplosionDamage = 25.0f;

for ( TActorIterator<AMyCharacter> aItr(GetWorld()); aItr; ++aItr )
	float distance = GetDistanceTo(*aItr);

	if (distance <= ExplosionRadius)
		UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage(*aItr, ExplosionDamage, 
		GetInstigatorController(), this, UDamageType::StaticClass());

Don’t forget to configure your target actor class to take damage as well :slight_smile: