I have a bunch of objects that I want to animate in a procedural way (think hundreds of objects). I’ve tried using the delay node, timeline node, custom event, and a for loop. I can get all of them to animate at once if I put the timeline node outside of the for loop which is a start but I need to be able to offset the timing for each animation which seemingly requires a timeline node for each object so the timeline doesn’t keep getting triggered again. This is not practical with many objects and many timelines. Any suggestions on how to go about doing this? Is there a way to instance the timelines so each object in the loop gets it’s own timeline?
Did you ever figure out a solution to this? I want to animate potentially dozens of objects on different timelines, but the only way I can think of is to make hundreds of timelines. It seems very inefficient.
No, I never found a solution for this. I haven’t tried since so there might be some new features or something to get this to work. I’m still curious if there’s a way to get this to work.
Is it true, that we currently have no way to play/loop a section of an animation from custom start to custom end?
I can duplicate animations and trim to the desired section, but actually I want to do this at runtime.
Anybody knows?
I think that the only way to animate many-many object (>2000) with high performance is to use World Position Offset in it’s material. But it inly works with simple transforms, like rotation.
In my game there is 2000 rotating coints. With World Position Offset handling rotations I see almost no frame drops.
Old question, but… the answer to this is actually pretty logical, you need to put the timeline within the object itself, so each object has it’s timeline…
you can then have an event in this bp actor that plays that animation with whatever properties you supply it with.
you can then set these and start the animations from another bp.
You can also look into the factory design pattern to create many similar objects, which functions like a manager of those objects. So you spawn the objects from this factory bp, and keep them in an array. Then when you want to animate the objects go trough the array and fire the event on each object.