How can I adjust Sound Attenuation to my AI

I want to add zombie sounds to the AI that spawns when I touch the trigger box. I tried attaching it to the tongue bone in the animation file, but it didn’t work, maybe due to a bug. So, I just want to make this sound follow my AI using blueprints. How should I connect the nodes?

Currently. it’s not working with these nodes :frowning:


i find that getactorlocation node super weird.
i don’t think you can use the result of a node before it’s executed.
spawn will be executed after play sound.
i think in this case is as simple as swapping them around.

at any rate, if you want the sound to “follow” your actor. i’d recommend in your EnemyAI bp add a compontent for an Audio and set the stuff there.


Hi can you teach me more specific?
I just add audio component in my AI’s blueprint

what kind of nodes should I use to play this sound?

Ah I got it.

What I need to do is…

just make audio component and adjust the sound into the details.

it works perfectly :slight_smile:
thanks haha

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well done! happy it helped :slight_smile:

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