How can i adjust mips for a run time virtual texture that uses world position pin?

How can i adjust mips for a run time virtual texture that uses world position pin?

Currently i sample the RVT diffuse color for rippling puddles. Typically i would just add to a uv to distort based on teh RG values of a normal map… but that doesnt work on an RVT…

Instead ive been doign it with the world position pin the same way by appending a third value of 0. This works for the distortion of ripples on a puddle, but now id like to lower the mip and blur whats in a puddle but i cant seem to get that to work.

Mips can work with RVTs by setting mip value mode to mip bias… normally. But when using world position mode mip bias mode does not work at all. You can still assign a mip level if you choose that mode, but then it would not be mip mapping with distance… just using the mip value you select.

So question is how can i set up bias manually?