How can I add knockback to an object?

This is for a platform game. The idea is kinda like Indiana Jones, rolling boulder in an incline path, if it hits you, you get knocked back or to the side, not just ragdol.

I just added basic physics to a sphere but all that happens is it bounces off the player

Any help would be great, thank you

For the sphere implement an on-hit effect that adds impulse at location of the impact to the actor it collided with (other actor).

The above uses the physics engine, it only works on physics enabled objects.

I’m not sure if physics can even feasibly be enabled in the traditional sense for a character blueprint (it’s easy enough for pawns though, and character blueprint is just a pawn with extra features baked in that you might not necessarily need)

The simplest way to do it on a character would be using it’s movement component:

If you want to do high quality knockback you will need to dive a lot deeper and use physical animation:

Thanks for your response! I tried the things you mentioned but no luck. I found a guide by Unreal Sensei and I was able to get the ball to have an on hit effect

It’s set to ragdol with these nodes but I don’t know how to change it to bounce or knockback

Update: this is all that was needed. Eureka!


Ah right, I forgot about that one.

Hey your answer got me lookin and pokin around, there’s so many nodes lol

Thanks again