How can I add a little swing to my drag door?


I’m working on a drag door, like in Layers of Fear and Layers of Fear 2. I’m almost done, but when I rotate my door it is too fix. When I rotate a bit and release my door, I want to apply a little force to rotate more in that direction which I rotated. I hope you can understand this ':D.
If don’t watch that video (First: mine, Second: what I want).

Hi! Answer depends on what logic is used to rotate door. Is it PhysicsHandleComponent or just simple SetActorRotation in Timeline/Tick? Also, answer depends on state machine that is used to represent different states of door and transitions.

(This is a test project so this has no interface things and this is built in the character.)
So the logic looks like this.

Well, I achieved that the force is on it when I release the mouse button, but it goes in the bad direction. Anybody has any idea why is that?