How can I activate intelli sense in xcode to auto complete unreal functions and code and recommendation system

As I am following tutorials I saw in windows the intelli sense is working in VisualStudio but in mac XCode is not showing any recommendation so can anybody guide me how do i can activate it?

Unfortunately, I’m honestly not aware of anything that will let Xcode version use Intellisense files directly. Xcode does have its own code-completion system, but so far as I know the formats are vastly different – meaning, you can’t really make use of that conveniently-already-there Intellisense data.

Honestly, I’d recommend against using Xcode for this. Unlike many people I know, I actually don’t hate Xcode – and as someone working in embedded software who frequently also needs to make iOS applications to connect to the embedded devices, I have spent a lot of time in that IDE – but neither do I think it’s particularly well-suited to Unreal Engine development. Especially when there are several better options on macOS.

If you have the option to purchase an IDE, I highly recommend JetBrains Rider instead of Xcode. Rider has a toolkit that integrates unbelievably tightly with Unreal Engine. Moreover, it will run on Windows, macOS, or Linux.

I’m a Rider convert, personally; while I do the bulk of my Unreal work on Windows, it’s nice to have the option to run it on anything, and that tight integration with Unreal has spoiled me to the point I can’t go back to anything else.

(I mean, it doesn’t hurt that at my day job I use their PyCharm Professional for Python work, their CLion for embedded C/C++ work, their GoLand for embedded go work, etc. After you use enough Jetbrains IDEs, their dev environment starts to feel like a comfortable well-worn pair of pants; everything for a given development environment is where you expect it based on all the others. So there may be some bias, I grant.)

If you need a free solution, Visual Studio Code will also run on Windows, macOS, or Linux, will make use of the Intellisense data, and is also completely free.

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