I’ve been searching for a while on the topic and haven’t come to any answers so posting my question here. How should one try to replicate the item drop effect from mentioned games? To clarify, by item drop I mean the spinning & pathing of the item from the player to the ground. I managed to implement a system to just spawn it in a radius of the Player and check for collisions before spawn, but I can’t seem to get this effect I want.
I tried adding impulses on the Z and Y axis however this always results in the item just sliding away from the player. I want them to travel a predefined curve if possible.
This is a rough drawing that hopefully describes what I am after. The item spawn point would be in the center of the Player and the item actor will have no collision with him at until it hits the ground.
Another thing regarding this that I do not understand is how in the mentioned games, the Items slam into the ground rapidly after moving a bit from the Player. I tried tweaking mass values but it always falls kind of slowly.