How can I access this actor and play it in my character blueprint?

I had imported an animated VDB (it contains animated smoke) to the unreal engine, and I assigned it a sparse material volume; so for this to actually play in the game, it needs to be in a “HeterogeneousVolume.”
I need this to play from a position like where the barrel of the gun is, but I don’t want it to follow the gun or the character that this gun is attached to, so I thought if I put this “HeterogeneousVolume” in my character blueprint, there wouldn’t be any way to make this play from where I specify but not follow the character. I created an “Actor” blueprint and put the “HeterogeneousVolume” in there, and I didn’t create any nodes or variables for this blueprint, but in my character blueprint, I tried to access it and make it play like this:

And I get errors like this, which I believe means that I’m not accessing the actor I want correctly:

There is another node named “SpawnActor” which spawns every layer that I have in my actor blueprint, but I still don’t know how to make the “HeterogeneousVolume” play because it seems I’m not accessing it correctly.


How can I access this actor and play it in my character blueprint?

Controlling the position of “HeterogeneousVolume” would be the other problem I will face, but for now I have to know how to play it in my character blueprint.

For me to understand better, I wanted to try putting my sphere with an actor blueprint into my character blueprint, and I did it like this:

The above means that on Event BeginPlay, we try to set the “Sphere Ref” if it is not valid, and if it was valid, then I plug that “Sphere Ref” as a target to the “My sphere” node and then I change the transform of it; this does not throw any errors, but I still don’t see any spheres in the game.

But why am I not seeing the sphere in the game?

I didn’t know I had to drag my actor blueprint into the world so that it could work!! Without dragging it into the world, it wasn’t working.

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