I’m trying to animate enum states I have set up in my BP within sequencer, but can’t access animBP from my character BP in sequencer
When I import my animBP directly to sequencer, and then track the skeletal mesh, then track the animinstance from there, then I can track each enum state I have set up, and doing it this way updates all the animations perfectly.
However, I am wanting to record from a BP that uses an animBP. When I load the BP track in sequencer, I can track the skeletal mesh, and the animinstance of that, but I am not seeing any of the var’s exposed in the animBP. So I’m guessing I somehow need to track the animBP from the actual BP within sequencer, but I’m not seeing any options to track the animBP
in this screenshot i’m expecting to see my various enum states listed under AnimSequencerInstance_0 when I go to track, alas there are no states there
I have another post about this here with more info