I’m trying to reference a custom Blueprint actor from the Content Browser which has not yet been spawned or placed into a level. The only way I can seem to get a handle on it is by using a variable of the same type as the Blueprint’s type, but this only seems to return a reference to the Blueprint class and doesn’t provide any methods for affecting it.
Basically I just want to use Blutility to assemble some objects within the Blueprint actor during production by adding skeletal and static meshes and automating the process. Any help or direction is greatly appreciated!
Okay… I’ve been looking at this a little closer and thinking more about it, and I now believe that what I’m trying to do isn’t really possible through Blutility. I also recognize that as of release 4.11 Blutility is still an experimental feature (even after 2 years - can this priority be elevated, Epic?), which means that there are great limits to what it can and can’t do.
The real problem is that what I’m really wanting to work with is the Blueprint Class, not an instance of one. As stated in my original question, the BP has not yet been spawned; I’m still constructing it. I was hoping to make an Editor Utility using Blueprint to essentially add mesh components and set parameters on them, but since there’s no actual instance of it yet, there doesn’t appear to be a way to get a reference to it.
I’m considering the possibility of writing something custom in C++ to provide this functionality, but I’m not experienced enough with that side of things to really know the best way to proceed. One programmer I talked to suggested looking at the engine source to see how the “Add Component” button works and emulating that or somehow exposing the functionality to BP. Anyone have any insight on that, or have any other ideas?