Any Video Explain How Can Drag And Drop From Widget’s Slot And Spawn A specific Actor
Please Help Guys
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this is something that is too big to answer in a forum post. But don’t worry, it is a very popular topic for youtube tutorials. There is a lot of people showing how to do this so you can take your pick whichever author you like most.
If Ryan Layley has a tutorial for it, he is great for beginners. He doesn’t overcomplicate.
You also have quite a few projects on the marketplace (some free) doing this as well.
It’s complicated stuff, so don’t be discouraged if it seems too complex to understand at first.
The basic things involved are:
- some sort of data asset that knows how to display an item both as UI image and as an actor
- drag and drop operation in UMG
- a basic inventory system (can be as simple as an array of objects or strings)
Hey there @LAHOOUITERS! So his way is somewhat easily extended. If you’ve done that tutorial all the way through and you see where he does the drop? Instead of having that button do it, set up a bool when you pick up the item for drag and drop, and if it’s on, and you release the mouse button, instead of dropping directly in front of him, you can add this to get the location of your mouse.
This is the manual way to make a “HitUnderCursor” node mostly.
basically all the work is done for it, you just need to have a branch to check if it’s on the drop spot the tutorial creator showed you, or not on that widget, then pass the location where the item drops just like the drop spot he did shows.
Thanks, but the problem is not with Drag And Drop Operation , I already made it
The problem is how to drag and drop in the drop Zone and the slot becomes empty
this is my problem
I think the solution is related to set array element