How can do Overlap Event in actor blueprint?

I made actor blueprint for overlap event.
I want to set trigger volume from world outliner, like this
and set overlap event in my actor blueprint

But it’s nothing happen…
Is overlap event work only in level blueprint?

Overlap events definitely work in any blueprint. There could be a few unseen issues here.

  1. Check that the volumes have GenerateOverlapEvents set to true (should be by default)
  2. Check that the volumes overlap Pawn or whatever your player character’s object type is.
  3. Put a breakpoint (click on any node and press F9). Then when you walk into it if it is triggering the overlap it will pause the game and kick you out to check your graph so you know that it is working correctly. If that is the case then the problem lies in your IsMyPlayer function. (you could check this by simply running a PrintString off False from that Branch)
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I delete branch and connect directly to print string.

But also nothing happen…

My trigger variables is soft reference. Is it problem?

That probably is the problem, yes.

You may as well change them to straight object references as they will already be loaded into memory if the volume is placed in your level and I can’t imagine you’ll see any benefit by using a soft reference.

Otherwise, if for some reason you are set on using the soft reference, before you can trigger that event, you will need to Resolve that soft reference by using the Resolve Soft Reference node if it’s already loaded into memory or Casting to the volume.

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I found the reason.
I made structure for change lighting including trigger volume.
And set trigger volume like this.

So, I set volume directly in my variables, It’s working.

But I don’t know why I can’t set volume with structure. I want to collact all variables same categorys.

I have to be honest I’m not 100% sure what you are asking here, so forgive me if I’m giving you obvious information.

If you’re simply trying to set a value in your struct you should be using SetMembersInWhateverMyStructsNameIs and exposing those values like this.