Hi folks, hoping you can help me with what should be a common requirement…
We have a large variety of movement animations which are applied to all game characters.
I have added anim notifies to trigger sounds from the anim BP out to character BPs, but here’s where I have problems - the footsteps need to be unique to each character’s BP with parameters unique to that character, but how do i achieve that all from the same notifies?
At the moment, the AI is triggering the player’s footsteps and parameters…
Here you can see I’m sending the same notify to different BPs, so this is my problem.
1- you can have a base AnimBP and then each char is a new class child of your baseBP.
2- your character BP class has an exposed array of sounds so you can set that array different for each character. Your animBP gets the pawn owner and plays the sounds from that array in the owner
also you can create a structure with the sounds like this:
I would make the sounds configurable on the character. The trigger can send all the appropriate parameters, and each character/sound effect would use only the parameters they need.
For things that are character-variation but not animation-variation, such as “weight of character to volume of footstep” or whatever, the anim notify doesn’t need to know about that difference at all, that can all go into the sounds configured on the character actor.
Appreciate your responses folks, still trying to wrap my head around all this.
for option 1 - seems I can cast to the owning Actor (which is great as the AnimBP could be made into many child versions without need for modification) but I am unsure how this would then generate an executable event in each owning Actor instance.
I’m familiar with casting to custom events in a named/known BP, but not sure if it is possible to cast to custom events with the ‘Get Owning Actor’ involved, because then the cast in the AnimBP can’t execute custom events…