How could I have a sequel game load a save file from a previous game? Unfortunately my computer’s having problems using software to code C++, so a method using Blueprints would be preferred.
I dont know for sure but
I think it would either have to have the exact same GameSave object class along with the sequel version (if they need to be different) and copy
values into the variables using the load from that,
Save and load the data using a more generic format like a text file or dstabase or something.
but that 2nd way probably needs plugins or C++.
Thanks. I’ll try that out and keep an eye for plugins that might help.
Let me know if it works. I think after you load from the old type of SaveGame class, you need to save it into the new kind you made for the sequel if there are any things different about it.
Unreal save game convert your save game to binary file, so big chance is that you can’t use 1 game’s save game for another game, or worse, you can’t use the same save game for different version of the same game.
One workaround is that you may create a custom save file system based on Xml, it will need lot of work but if you need the save game for another game, or for different version of the same game, then this one is the one I really recommended.
Currently, if you want to do it, you will have to work with C++ code, but if you can spare some $$$, there are also several plugin on marketplace that allow you to work with Xml from blueprint. Not so sure about the 4.20 version though, as most of my Xml research and work based on 4.17
Also tgerr is a plugin called Rama’s Vistory Plugin which does not appear in the marketplace but is linked to in the forums, which adds file I/O to blueprints.