How CameraManager specifing the camera position/look under an actor?

I’m just newbie in UE so this could be little silly question but, How the CameraManager find the camera component included in actor?
If there’s no camera component on the actor blueprint, then the view is just like the actor’s first person camera, but the view is changing to the exact setting of the camera component when I add it.
I’ve been digging some c++ codes under UE engine about this routine but I can’t find about anything related.
Should I just pass off the curiosity on how this works?
Thank you.

SetViewTargetWithBlend doesnt uses a Camera Component. It uses an ACTOR with a camera component on it.


if you want to use that in the same actor that owns the camera do this:

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Oh… Thank you for the reply… but actually I was not wondering about that…
Maybe the title confuse you what I ask. So I’ve changed that a bit more clearly
I just wanted to know how that feature works from the engine side. :slight_smile:


Oh…Now I’ve just reeded with more attention on the body :slight_smile:
Not idea about the answer! lol


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