How Automatically bind Animations to Actor in Sequencer

Hello !
I’m looking to a way to bind automatically the animations sequence to their respective skeletalmeshactor in the sequencer.

It’s for a crowd simulation exported from houdini with 800 agents, if it was 50 actor to manually bind it would not be a problem but in this case it’s too long to make it manually.

Maybe a python script would help but I don’t have enough skills to make it… It’s good to note that each animation sequence get the same name (except the underscore) as the actor.
Thank you for you time !

Create Editor utility => editor utility blueprint.
From all classes:
Make it based on “AssetActionUtility”

Variables inside utility


Drop animations into the animations array (in order)
Cannot find animations by name so this is the workaround

Create custom event AssignAnimations and paste from blueprintUE

Full bp

Link to full res

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It works like a charm, thank you so much 3DRaven !
Hope it will help others too !

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Would it be possible to also make a name matching version? I would love to use something like that!

Hello, I tried to repeat on ue5.4 and it does not give anything, not even errors.
Can you help?